Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Big Difference

Studio founder Harvey Weinstein is a monster. He used his position of power and privilege in Hollywood and harassed, abused and raped women. He deserves everything bad that's happening to him and more. Hopefully he'll do some jail time.

When this news came to light last week, conservatives were giddy with the idea that a Democrat and liberal was caught in a sex and power scandal. They saw it as payback for all the grief they've received for supporting their guy, Donald Trump. They claimed that Democrats were hypocrites because one of their own was also a monster.

But here's the difference.

When a Democrat is caught abusing or harassing women, he's usually shunned by Democrats and pushed out of power. It's not always true, powerful men often escape the responsibility for their actions, but generally Democrats throw the bum out. See Anthony Weiner, John Edwards and Gary Hart. In the Weinstein case, he's already been condemned by Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, and most of the Democratic establishment.

When a Republican is caught abusing or harassing women, they elect him President.

Any questions?

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