Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Look, Oprah Winfrey is a very intelligent, talented, driven women who raised herself from poverty to billionaire and didn't inherit her money like some so-called billionaires. She's determined, compassionate, strong and has been very successful in life. And she gave a great speech at the Golden Globes.

But I don't want her to run for President.

America is already a laughing stock around the world for electing a tantrum-throwing, reality-star celebrity, idiot man-child as President and he's doing real damage to America. And while Oprah undoubtedly would be a million times better than Trump, I'd really rather see a serious, knowledgeable, accomplished public servant as President in 2020. Maybe after we've reestablished some sanity in the White House, Oprah could run in '24 or '28.

Plus, I have some real questions about her judgment. She believes in a lot of new-agey nonsense and unleashed the idiot Dr. Oz on the world.

Frankly, that alone should disqualify her.

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