Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Don't forget, Republicans are the pro-veterans party (sarcasm)

If you've been watching the unfolding drama of Trump's choice to head the Veteran's Administration, the second largest government agency, you know that there's a lot going on.

Trump's choice, Ronny Jackson, physician to the President, in addition to having no management experience, is accused of:
Writing himself prescriptions.
Not properly documenting pharmaceuticals.
Frequently being drunk while on duty.
Being abusive to underlings.
Handing out pharmaceuticals like candy.
And wrecking a government vehicle while drunk.
He was described as "the most unethical person I have ever worked with,” “toxic,” “abusive” and “incapable of not losing his temper.”  Link
He also said that Trump was not obese and in great health. ::rolleyes::

But the big takeaway from the story isn't that Ronny Jackson is completely unqualified and unsuited for the job.

The big takeaway is that he is the guy that Trump chose to take care of veterans in America.

It seems like when it came time to pick the Cabinet Secretary in charge of the care of military veterans, Trump looked around and picked the first "medical" guy he saw. Jackson doesn't seem to have been vetted at all by the White House. This is at a time of unprecedented challenges at the VA due to the huge number of veterans who need medical help after 17 years of war.

And THAT'S how much REPUBLICAN President, Donald Trump, cares about veterans.

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