Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Just a reminder: Parties

The Republicans, who currently control the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, represent a MINORITY OF AMERICANS.

Senate elections 2012-2016:

Republican votes: 102.3 million
Democratic votes: 117.4 million

15 million more Americans cast votes for Democrats in a Senate that is now controlled by a 51-to-49 GOP majority.

Presidential election 2016:

Republican votes: 62,985,134
Democratic votes: 65,853,652

The only thing the Republicans took with more votes was the House of Representatives in 2016, where they won 63,173,815 to 61,776,554. And despite winning by only 1.1%, they have 10.8% more seats.

This is intolerable in a democracy, especially the supposed greatest democracy on the planet.

Trump is right, the system is rigged. But it sure as hell isn't rigged for the Democrats. Or the majority of Americans.

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