Sunday, November 04, 2018

The only way things are going to get better

We've had almost two years of total Republican rule. During that time, the Republican congress has shown time and time again that they will not discipline, investigate, or serve as any kind of check on the worst instincts and actions of our treasonous Commander in Chief. The Republican party has wholly become the Party of Trump.

The number of scandals and outrages perpetrated against the American people and the world is truly staggering. There has been so much bullshit from the Trump Administration that, for example, hugely troubling disclosures that Trump's entire family fortune was criminally passed along from his father to his children without paying taxes, gets only a few days of discussion before fading into the craziness of the next scandal. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress continue to investigate Benghazi.

Just as a reminder, here are just some of the many, many horrible things done by the Trump White House and the Republican Congress.
Lies, lies, lies. So many lies
A tax break that took money from the poor and gave it to the rich
The Muslim Ban
A tax break to the rich that exploded the deficit
An (alleged) rapist jammed through the Senate to the Supreme Court
The politicization of law enforcement
Destruction of improved relations with Cuba
Pulling out of the Paris Accords
Destroying the Iran no nukes agreement (which was working)
Ongoing violation of the emoluments clause
The Transgender ban
Horrific hurricane responses
Embracing of racist, neo-Nazi rhetoric
The President calling for violence against his "enemies"
The demonization of many different groups
Sending U.S. troops to the southern border for political reasons
Obstruction of justice
Collaboration with America's enemies
Voting over and over and over to repeal healthcare for millions
The President expressing admiration for murderous dictators
Going after Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
All the stupidity
All the racism
You get the point.

We have a chance to stop a lot of this, but we have to act now. On Tuesday, if you haven't already, vote for Democrats. Vote to replace these "Nationalists" who are destroying this country. Vote to protect minorities and those Americans who aren't white Christians. Vote to protect refugees, the poor, and the sick. You know, all those things that Trump's evangelical supporters are supposed to care about.

I used to be a Republican until my eyes were opened during the occupation of Iraq. Since then, the Republicans have become more and more extreme. Rather than learn after their defeat in 2008, they've gone even farther to the right to the point where the family values, rah-rah America party is ripping apart families, calling for the assassination and jailing of political opponents, and embracing a Russian dictator.

This has to end.

I live in Maryland and we have a moderate, successful, Republican Governor, Larry Hogan. He seems like a good guy.

He needs to go. He needs to lose.

Why? Because the Republican party has lost all legitimacy. It needs to die so that something better replaces it. Hogan gives the Republicans some cover, some semblance of normal government. He needs to go. Besides, he's vetoed important progressive legislation during his term, forcing the Democrats to override his veto. Why do we need a Republican who's going to veto progressive legislation? Screw that.

The country won't get off this runaway train until we have a responsive, responsible government. The Republicans are not capable of providing good government or serving as a check and balance to a treasonous, moronic, dictatorial President who knows nothing but lies and his self-serving ego.

Vote the bastards out on Tuesday. Retake the House, retake the Senate. Retake the Governerships. Retake the state houses. Vote Democratic for EVERY SINGLE RACE. It's the only way to stop this. It's the only way to retake the country from these corrupt, racist assholes.

Vote, America. 

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