Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Simple Plan

Dear Democratic Representatives and Senators.

You are the OPPOSITION Party, the only thing standing between America and dictatorship.


Stop trying to be bipartisan. Stop drifting to the Center. Stop trying to cooperate with MAGA. Start doing your fucking jobs and stop voting for MAGA nominees and legislation. Everything you do to help them, hurts America. There is no calvary coming to rescue us. YOU ARE THE ONLY CALVARY WE'VE GOT.

Start acting like America is on the brink because we fucking are. It's bad enough we have to fight MAGA, don't make us have to fight you too. Be more like AOC, Bernie, Jasmine Crockett, and Chris Murphy. You have examples in your midst. Follow them.

After Hitler became Chancellor and the Nazis started consolidating power, they outlawed and liquidated the other political parties, including those who had tried to cooperate and appease them. You want to know why history doesn't remember the names of those politicians? Because the Nazis had them murdered.

Sheesh, Motherfuckers. FIGHT!

That is all.

Sunday, March 02, 2025


This was my last week of telework, aka working from home. Our agency, at the direction of the Felon in Chief, has banned it. Tomorrow, I return to full time in the office.

During the pandemic, my small Agency went to full time telework for about two years and then moved to a hybrid model, with a requirement of once a week in office. My shop went in on Wednesdays.

The five years of telework were the best days of my career. Without the ninety minute commute to downtown DC, I was able to sleep later and still get to work on time. Without the ninety minute commute home, I was able to spend more time with my family and get projects done around the house. Most days, I went back online after 10PM to work more and prepare for the following day. It was quiet and relaxing.

All those benefits are gone, because we're led by an old, dementia-addled, tin-pot dictator who can't imagine not seeing his minions lined up in offices, away from their homes and families. Because he and his band of traitors want dedicated, professional public servants to quit the government to make it easier for the oligarchs to privatize government services for their own profit. 

The conservative "argument" against telework is that you can't tell if people are actually working. This is, of course, bullshit. You're a pretty poor manager if you can't determine whether or not people are finishing their work. You can have Teams or Zoom meetings to talk face to face and judge progress. The idea that teleworking employees aren't doing their jobs is shown false by years of practical examples of people getting things done. During the last five years, my small team went through the busiest time in our history, and had no issues. We crushed it because a good work/life balance is healthier and improves morale.

The Administration is trying to downsize the government footprint by cancelling building leases under the lie of cost savings. What's more cost-saving than hundreds of thousands of workers working from home, providing free office space? This impacts me directly, as we've just been notified that our lease was cancelled and we have to fit hundreds of staff in a smaller building without enough offices. It's going to cause chaos and inefficiency. Continued telework would be ideal to reduce the footprint, but they want people to quit. The cruelty is the point.

My life is about to get substantially more inconvenient and less efficient. 

I'm trying to keep perspective as at least I still have a job. The real issue is with the firing of thousands of dedicated, professional, smart and experienced civil servants. Not only are their lives already more frightening and difficult, but their firing will have consequences for the economy, the job market, public health and safety, and government assistance for millions of Americans. Some MAGA are finally starting to realize that.

When government is being deliberately broken, all of us will suffer.

So long telework, you were awesome.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Why the Nazis?

I get that white supremacy is all the same, stupid, xenophobic bullshit, and at the end of the day whether you're a Nazi, or a Confederate, or a Proud Boy, it's all basically just the inability and lack of maturity to deal with people who are different.

But why do people today, in the 21st century, feel compelled to mimic the iconography, slogans, salutes, and style of the Nazis, who got their asses kicked by the entire world 80 years ago? I guess I could just as easily ask why they do the same thing with the Confederacy, which got its ass kicked 160 years ago?

I imagine it's because racists lack imagination, creativity and any artistic ability, since those things tend to come when you're open to other ideas, people and culture.

But geez, at least create your own identity, you stupid, inbred, racist pieces of shit.

In case you need to see this bit from That Mitchell and Webb Look, it no longer just applies to the Nazis and their ilk. It now applies to a large group of Americans as well.

Monday, February 17, 2025

A few Truths

Truth, the first.

Elon Musk is not an auditor, or an economist, or an accountant, or anyone qualified to look into complicated payment systems and financial records in order to identify "fraud and waste".

None of the people he brought with him are any of those things either. They are hackers and software engineers.

So stop defending his criminal invasion of America's information with the "He's performing an audit" bullshit. Real audits take time and expertise.

Musk and his Minions are looting these federal agencies, stealing data, and tampering with their systems.

Truth, the second.

Federal worker salaries and benefits make up about 8% of the federal budget. DOGE and Trump could fire every single one and not make a dent in the annual deficit and the debt. (Of course, they're not actually doing it for efficiency or to save money but to consolidate their power).

If you really want to reduce the deficit, you need to do one of three things.

1) Cut Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare. This would devastate tens of millions of Americans who depend on these entitlements to survive. This would be highly immoral, so of course that's why MAGA wants to do it.

2) Cut the military budget. Transitioning away from being the biggest military on the planet by many times would not only save us money, but would likely reduce tensions all around the world. Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream.

3) Tax the rich. This is the clear answer. It's easy, there are no downsides, and it would happen fast. The rich would still be fine and we'd have money not only to pay down the debt, but to fund programs that would help all Americans. Having billionaires is immoral in a world where people starve and have no home.

So let's stop pretending that what DOGE is doing will help with the deficit. It's a lie, like everything else Trump and President Musk are doing.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Ted Talk

Dear MAGA,

Here's the deal. 

If you don't like being called fascists, stop doing fascist things.

If you don't like being called Nazis, stop doing Nazi things.

Just kidding! I know you secretly like being called fascists and Nazis, because why else would anyone ever do the things you do and support the things you support?

You're welcome.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

More corporate cowards obeying in advance

Okay, Google, you're done. 
According to CNBC, Google’s popular calendars no longer tell users the story of Black History Month (February) or Women’s History Month (March), among other historical dates. Other observances, such as Jewish American Heritage Month (May), Pride Month (June), and Indigenous Peoples Month (November), are no longer noted on Google Calendar, either. Neither is Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan. 27).
Google has also changed the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America on their maps.

This is because the "President" is a whiny diaper baby who attacks everything that doesn't jibe with his delusional hatred. Of course, Google, of all things, has the resources to resist, but won't.

I am immediately deleting Google Maps from my phone and won't be using Google. (Ugh. Bing? I guess it has to be).

Google owners are cowardly, craven corporate assholes, bowing down to a would-be dictator.

Here are some companies that (so far) haven't bent the knee.

Giant Grocery 
Ben & Jerry’s 
Old Navy 
TJ Maxx 
GoTo Foods (includes Moe’s Southwest Grill, Mcalister’s, Auntie Anne’s, Jamba, Cinnabon, and more…)
Dollar Tree 
JP Morgan Chase 
United Airlines 
Southwest Airlines
American Airlines 
Delta Airlines 

Let's hope this list grows.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

The Struggle for Democracy

I had been planning a blog post on the various efforts President Musk and his lackey Trump are making to get dedicated, professional civil servants to quit, but events are moving so quickly that it's difficult to keep up. This is all part of their "flooding the zone with shit" strategy.

They tried the "buy-out" which was transparently a scam, illegal, unprofessional, unauthorized by Congress, and obviously came from people who aren't in the government and unfamiliar with how the government works. Luckily, most people just ignored it. Unfortunately, as a manager I have had to participate in no less than an entire work day of meetings over the past week to figure out exactly what is being offered and how it impacts my staff and my agency. 

The 6 day turnaround given to staff to resign under threat of possible firing later was clearly to sow fear and chaos. Since that original email, they've followed up with contradictory and confusing memos which have not made any of this more clear. This is, again, part of the strategy to confuse and demoralize.

In addition, Musk and his minions have taken over at least three federal agencies, locked out staff, and stolen private, confidential information from EVERY AMERICAN. Congress has not authorized ANY OF THIS, but Republicans don't care. In my 34 years of government experience, Congress has always been protective of the agencies they oversee and they fight any encroachment by the Executive Branch. Now that the Executive Branch is their would-be dictator Trump, MAGA in Congress don't care how much power it costs them.


In addition, Trump's cabinet choices, widely derided as uniquely unqualified when he made them, seem to be flying towards confirmation due to almost universal support by Senate MAGA. They've approved or are about to approve a drunk cheater as Secretary of Defense, an alcoholic, science-denying nutjob as head of Health and Human Services, and an obviously compromised Russian mole as Director of National Intelligence. Vlad Putin must be ecstatic right now as this band of corrupt, stupid, traitors are quickly taking over the US government.

Unless lawsuits are effective at slowing this down or MAGA in Congress grow a conscience and a spine, we're screwed. The United States has been effectively conquered in two weeks.

Monday, February 03, 2025

The Leopards Award - #2

Our next award winner is Héctor Luis Valdés Cocho, a MAGA Activist.
Héctor Luis Valdés Cocho, known for his political activism and his criticism of the Cuban regime, faces an increasingly complicated situation. He is currently in the custody of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), detained at the Broward Transition Center, Florida. However, his case has taken an unexpected turn, not only due to rumors of a possible transfer to the Guantanamo Naval Base, but also due to reports of alleged scams that have darkened his reputation.

I'm sure it was all just a mistake and once he gets in touch with Trump, Trump will personally make sure he's released. Till then, he has my thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Blog Stuff

I do intend to post more fun stuff (non-political) in the days ahead. Unfortunately, because of the shitshow America is being subjected to by MAGA and Project 2025, there's a lot to scream about. 

Screaming doesn't help, but it makes me feel a little bit better.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Night of the Long Knives

It's time for another history lesson, details from The United States Holocaust Memorial Museums' Holocaust Encyclopedia. I'm freestyling most of this, so click on the link if you want more refined details.

After Hitler became German Chancellor in late 1933, the Nazis had to reckon with the growing political power of their own paramilitary wing, the Sturmabteilung, aka the SA. The SA acted as the Nazi's shock troops during the 1920s and early 30s, creating anarchy and violence to terrorize the country. At the time Hitler became Chancellor, SA membership was 30 times the size of the German regular army, mandated by the Treaty of Versailles to no more than 100,000 troops.

The leader of the SA was Ernst Röhm, one of Hitler's only friends, one of the original Nazis, and fiercely loyal to Hitler. But as radicals in the SA felt the Nazis weren't doing enough to consolidate power against Hitler's industrial allies and the regular army, they agitated for continued revolution. It then occurred to the Nazis that the SA was an actual threat to their power. Since Hitler needed the army and the industrialists if he was going to make Germany a military power, and egged on by lies spread by Nazi leaders Himmler and Heydrich, it was decided that a purge of SA Leadership was needed to eliminate the threat.

The purge became known as The Night of the Long Knives.

Mostly committed by Heinrich Himmler's SS, the purge began on the night of June 30, 1934 and lasted until July 2. At the end of those days and nights of violence, between 100-200 targeted Germans were murdered, including Röhm and the other SA leaders around the country. Also killed were a number of non-Nazis, including Hitler's predecessor as Chancellor, Reichswehr General Kurt von Schleicher and his wife, a number of local politicians who had crossed the Nazis, and Willi Schmid, the music critic of a Munich newspaper, whose name was confused with one of the Gestapo's intended targets. In all, over 1,100 others were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

Afterwards, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag made the entire operation legal, and regular Germans celebrated the deaths as necessary to German security, believing Nazi propaganda about the event. The Night of the Long Knives cemented Nazi rule and made Hitler the unchallenged dictator of Germany until he was relieved of that title in 1945.

Hey, did you hear that Trump just pardoned more than 1,500 insurrectionists who had been jailed for their violent attack on Congress on January 6, 2021? And did you hear that Trump has been dismissing security details protecting some of his enemies, including John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, (both once loyal Trumpers) and Dr. Anthony Fauci?

Hmm. Don't know what made me think of that. Funny how the mind works.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Snitches don't get stitches

Hey, this is totally normal in a non-fascist country!

Below is part of the email that all federal agencies were forced to send to their employees earlier this week.
We are aware of efforts by some in government to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language. If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position description since November 5, 2024 to obscure the connection between the contract and DEIA or similar ideologies, please report all facts and circumstances to within 10 days.

There will be no adverse consequences for timely reporting this information.  However, failure to report this information within 10 days may result in adverse consequences.
It's totally normal for federal employees to be threatened to snitch on their co-workers, especially for the grievous crime of, hmm, let's see. Oh, yeah, hiring qualified people to add different viewpoints and life experiences to your agency. What a crime!

I was just kidding above. This is NOT normal and is definitely SUPER-fascist. Yay!

It would be a shame if thousands of people spammed that email address.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Leopards Award - #1

And . . . our first recipient of the Leopards Award during the Trump Administration is . . . 

The Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police union!

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), which supported President Donald Trump's election in 2016, 2020, and 2024, yesterday criticized his blanket pardon for people charged in connection with the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. The FOP, the country's largest police union, is troubled by the president's clemency for Trump supporters who assaulted police officers while expressing their outrage at a supposedly stolen election.


they added that they are "deeply discouraged by the recent pardons and commutations granted by both the Biden and Trump Administrations to individuals convicted of killing or assaulting law enforcement officers."

The both-sidesing here is due to Biden's clemency for Leonard Peltier, who spent 50 years in jail for the alleged murder of two FBI agents. (Alleged because there's a lot of evidence that he was railroaded.) Biden's act is not the same as Trump pardoning 1,500+ violent insurrectionists who attacked Capitol Police just four years ago.

In any event, congratulations, FOP! You Fucked Around by supporting Trump and are now Finding Out!

Question Answered

I think that among most Americans who have a layman's knowledge of World War II, there was always a confusion over how Germany, a relatively progressive country, fell under the complete control of a bunch of violent, racist, yahoos and specifically how the Nazis managed to get so many normal, decent, every-day people to commit to all the violence, terror, death and genocide. I certainly didn't fully understand it.

I do now.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Law and Order

The "party of law and order" just pardoned and released over 1,500 violent offenders who had been convicted in a court of law under the regular, established legal procedures of the United States. Two thirds of those pled guilty. Many of those convicted were deeply involved in domestic terror groups, like the Proud Boys. Five people died within 36 hours of the attack.

Reminder, this is them:

Party of law and order indeed.

Many of these people will undoubtedly engage in domestic terrorism on Trump's behalf over the next four years.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Final Day

Well, today is the final day. 

Possibly of American democracy, but definitely for good things coming from our government for at least four years. I think many people are quickly going to find out how many benefits come from having a functional, well-run government. Many innocents are going to start suffering this week.

Personally, everything is up in the air for me until new Agency management takes charge, so it may be some time before I learn what my job holds. Then again, it's easy to destroy, so maybe I'll find out soon.

A couple of predictions. 

Because Biden leaves office with low inflation, higher wages, increased manufacturing jobs, low unemployment, a record breaking stock market, and job increases during EVERY SINGLE MONTH OF HIS PRESIDENCY, the economy is humming. Trump will take credit for this. 

However, despite inheriting a great economy, Trump will eventually crash it. How quickly depends on whether or not he follows his campaign promise to enact tariffs on everyone who pisses off his fragile ego. What we can absolutely predict is that billionaires will get fewer regulations, more government contracts, and even more tax breaks, while 99% of Americans will have to fight to keep the meager social safety net intact.

If the peace in Gaza holds, Trump will take 100% of the credit, even though the Biden Administration has been working diplomatically for over a year. If the agreement falls apart, Trump will blame Biden and Hamas. In no universe will Trump blame Israel, even if it's Israel's (Netanyahu's) fault.

Trump will push Canada, Mexico, Denmark and Panama to follow his whims and cede territory or whatever other nonsense he demands. They will NOT obey. I really doubt he'll use the military against our allies, but who the hell knows. He and his followers are crazy.

Public health is about to take a huge hit, both from promoting woo woo ideas and prohibiting actual pro-health and life-saving practices like vaccines and flouridation.

Well, I've gone on long enough. Seriously, I could fill pages with the shit that's about to rain down. The bottom line is that bad things are about to happen, there are no adults in charge, and the guardrails are gone.

It's going to be a long, depressing, volatile four years and America may not survive.

One word of optimism. Trump's "mandate" is no such thing; he won by the smallest percentage of a President in decades. Plus, he's a whiny, stupid, man-baby and not some super-villain. He self-sabotages all the time.

There are many smart, resourced people who are preparing to fight Trump, his billionaire backers, and MAGA with everything they've got. We're not alone in this fight and it's not over just yet.

Stay safe.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I'm washing my hair that day

People are getting all verklempt at the news that Michelle Obama is not attending Convicted Felon Trump's inauguration.

Trump himself didn't attend President Biden's inauguration. Why the hell should Michelle attend his? Frankly, NO ex-President or their spouses should attend, as it confers legitimacy on what's an entirely illegitimate fascist takeover of the U.S.

Too many people need to get their heads out of their asses for worrying about shit like this. Bigger fish, people.

An inspiration!

This is Horst Wessel.


As you might expect from the fancy duds, Horst was an officer in the Nazi SA, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. When he was a teen during the 1920s, he founded his own youth group, the Knappschaft, to "raise our boys to be real German men". He also joined the Wiking Liga, which had the purpose of "the revival of Germany on a national and ethnic basis through the spiritual education of its members". 

Hmm. I think I read something similar on Twitter recently.

During the Weimar Republic, German political parties engaged in street violence against other parties. Horst was one of those who engaged in street fighting, mostly with the Communists. Once he had joined the SA at the wizened age of 19, he engaged in fun activities like public speaking, recruiting, the Nuremberg rallies, terror and murder. In January, 1930, Horst was injured, eventually resulting in his death, when a Communist knocked on his door and shot him point-blank. 

The Nazis, led by propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, made Horst a Nazi martyr, which he remained until the end of the Third Reich in 1945. The Nazis made films about him, named plazas and ships after him, and made The Horst Wessel Song, which he had written before he died, a mainstay of Nazi gatherings. Horst died before the Nazis came to power, but they used his death to inspire their hatred for the next 15 years.

No reason, but here's an interesting article about Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol police while trying to lead a charge into the U.S. House Chambers where members of Congress were sheltering during the insurrection on January 6, 2021. You should read it.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Good Advice for pathetic men

America’s CEOs are fucking pumped they can act like dicks again
the corner office crowd is fucking pumped right now, because Donny Convict’s second term is going to usher in a new era of aggressively shitting on the peons below you.
Even the way people on Wall Street talk and interact is changing. Bankers and financiers say Trump’s victory has emboldened those who chafed at “woke doctrine” and felt they had to self-censor or change their language to avoid offending younger colleagues, women, minorities or disabled people. “I feel liberated,” said a top banker. “We can say ‘retard’ and ‘pussy’ without the fear of getting cancelled . . . it’s a new dawn.”
life is just one grievance after another with these people. they can’t be happy unless they have something to whine about. we can’t say a word. how fucking small and petty.

I have a better idea. here’s a good rule for going through life: don’t be a dick.

MAGA men are the biggest, most immature babies in the world. It's absolutely no surprise that they are now re-emboldened to be the biggest assholes they can be.

The whole article is worth a read.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Last year, Carol and I saw the stage musical, Wicked, for the first time at the Kennedy Center. I loved the story and really enjoyed the show.

A couple of weeks ago we watched Wicked, the movie musical, streaming on Prime and I loved it too. As everyone says, the movie could be a little shorter, but that didn't bother me. I thought it was really well done, beautiful, amazingly performed, and I'm looking forward to part two this year.

Plus, as an added bonus, the storyline is totally relevant to the current shitshow that modern America has become. It's shockingly timely.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

It's MAGA all the way down

Just a note. 

On these pages, I will no longer be referring to the "Republican Party". The Republican Party, to which I belonged more than 20 years ago, is dead and buried.

Henceforth, any post involving conservative Americans will label them as MAGA.

They are all MAGA.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Today's lesson in foreign languages!

Here's a fun German word for you!

Lebensraum (living space) - Definition

The territory that a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development, especially associated with Nazi Germany.

The need for "living space" was the justification Hitler gave for re-occupying territories lost during WWI, and then for the conquests of Austria, the Sudetenland, the Czechoslovak Republic, the Republic of Lithuania, Danzig, and eventually Poland, which started WWII.

I was just thinking about the Panama Canal, Canada, Greenland, and Mexico and for no real reason, that word popped into my head.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

News Alert! Peaceful grandmothers kill four and injure 174 police officers!

Deluded MAGA Moron, Rep. Mike Collins, posted this on Jan. 6, 2025.

These people are insane. 

Actually, MAGA is trying to gaslight America into forgetting what actually happened on Jan. 6, 2021. They want to rewrite history to remove their crimes. They're doing a pretty good job of it, as recent polls show disapproval of the Insurrection is softening.


Friday, January 10, 2025

A Man on the Inside

We just finished watching all 8 episodes of Michael Schur's new show, A Man on the Inside, starring Ted Danson. I love Michael Schur shows (Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and this show was no exception.

Danson plays a widower whose aimless life is changed when he's hired by a detective to go undercover at an assisted living facility to solve a theft. It's thoughtful, funny, warm and moving. It also features a trove of great supporting actors. Warning: if you have an elderly parent, it may hit too close to home.

A Man on the Inside can be found on Netflix.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Violent insurrection is NOT the norm

Yesterday was January 6, the fourth anniversary of the attempted insurrection against the U.S. government instigated by Donald Trump. After the insurrection, Congress passed a bunch of security measures to forestall any future attempts to disrupt the certification of a Presidential election. Consequently, there was much more security for the certification vote yesterday. It happened, as usual, very matter of factly.

What pisses me off is that several news sources breathed a rhetorical sigh of relief that the certification went forward without violence.

Of course there was no violence, you stupid twits. 

The side that engages in violence WON the election. They weren't going to be violent against the certification of their own cult leader. And if you thought the Democrats were going to riot to stop the proceedings, what the hell are you smoking? Democrats are still trying to be the adults in the room and set a good example, as if the Republicans could take any lessons from that.

Had VP Harris won, Republicans very likely would have attempted another coup as Trump told them to do throughout the election. We all understand that.

But the Democrats? Sheesh. Have you been paying any attention at all?