by Euderion on DeviantArt

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Final Day

Well, today is the final day. 

Possibly of American democracy, but definitely for good things coming from our government for at least four years. I think many people are quickly going to find out how many benefits come from having a functional, well-run government. Many innocents are going to start suffering this week.

Personally, everything is up in the air for me until new Agency management takes charge, so it may be some time before I learn what my job holds. Then again, it's easy to destroy, so maybe I'll find out soon.

A couple of predictions. 

Because Biden leaves office with low inflation, higher wages, increased manufacturing jobs, low unemployment, a record breaking stock market, and job increases during EVERY SINGLE MONTH OF HIS PRESIDENCY, the economy is humming. Trump will take credit for this. 

However, despite inheriting a great economy, Trump will eventually crash it. How quickly depends on whether or not he follows his campaign promise to enact tariffs on everyone who pisses off his fragile ego. What we can absolutely predict is that billionaires will get fewer regulations, more government contracts, and even more tax breaks, while 99% of Americans will have to fight to keep the meager social safety net intact.

If the peace in Gaza holds, Trump will take 100% of the credit, even though the Biden Administration has been working diplomatically for over a year. If the agreement falls apart, Trump will blame Biden and Hamas. In no universe will Trump blame Israel, even if it's Israel's (Netanyahu's) fault.

Trump will push Canada, Mexico, Denmark and Panama to follow his whims and cede territory or whatever other nonsense he demands. They will NOT obey. I really doubt he'll use the military against our allies, but who the hell knows. He and his followers are crazy.

Public health is about to take a huge hit, both from promoting woo woo ideas and prohibiting actual pro-health and life-saving practices like vaccines and flouridation.

Well, I've gone on long enough. Seriously, I could fill pages with the shit that's about to rain down. The bottom line is that bad things are about to happen, there are no adults in charge, and the guardrails are gone.

It's going to be a long, depressing, volatile four years and America may not survive.

One word of optimism. Trump's "mandate" is no such thing; he won by the smallest percentage of a President in decades. Plus, he's a whiny, stupid, man-baby and not some super-villain. He self-sabotages all the time.

There are many smart, resourced people who are preparing to fight Trump, his billionaire backers, and MAGA with everything they've got. We're not alone in this fight and it's not over just yet.

Stay safe.


thevoid99 said...

Biden mentioned the idea of oligarchy in America becoming more in front of us in his final speech. I may not be a fan of Biden but I'm taking his warning about oligarchy very seriously. Man, we're in some serious dark times ahead.

SJHoneywell said...

Literally the only thing I am looking forward to for the next four years is the acres and acres of Leopards Eating People's Faces stories coming.

Too bad you can't eat schadenfreude.