credit: Jesse Duquette

Monday, September 25, 2006

My Blog

Today is the first day of the rest of my Blog.

Okay, I'm a bit late for the bandwagon, but as of today, I am on the wagon!

There was a time when I was a prolific writer. I've written a number of spec screenplays for movies and some episodic television shows. I enjoy writing for the screen and becoming a screenwriter remains my dream (pipe or otherwise). Unfortunately, the past several years have seen me writing less and less until I've become unsure whether or not I could string two -- um, what's that word that means a lot of words in some order? Oh, yeah, sentences -- sentences together. So, this blog.

My intention is simple; to create an outlet for all the weird, inane, interesting (but mostly uninteresting) thoughts that slog through my head in hopes that through practice, I will find an outlet in writing once again. I hope that some of my thoughts will prove interesting or funny or profound. No promises.



Anonymous said...

Good for you on wanting to improve your writing and doing something about it! One good resource is William Zinsser's "On Writing Well." It just came out in a 30th anniversary edition. This book (unlike some duds on the topic) is actually well written and fun to read. Imagine that.

Ipecac said...

Thanks! I appreciate that.