On October 18, my Uncle Steve died of cancer in his home, surrounded by his family. I have a ton of cousins on my Mom's side of the family and when I was growing up, I loved visiting them. We often went to the Prugh's and I had many good times with my cousins Tim, Jeff, Brian and Kathy. Their Dad was a big guy whose quiet, occasionally gruff demeanor, frankly, sometimes intimidated me. What I learned growing up, however, was that he was a very good man with a sense of humor who took good care of his family. What I will remember most is how he would suddenly, and quite loudly, burst into laughter, usually startling everyone around him. I am glad he was part of my family.

Stephen Prugh
Dallas "Bub" Leatherman died of natural causes on November 20. Bub was a good friend to my Mom and to our family in the years after my parents' divorce. Bub was well known around town; it was a running joke that wherever we'd go in Goshen or Elkhart, we'd see someone who knew Bub. Bub was very active in the Goshen community and well-liked by everyone who knew him. He had a lot of tough breaks in his life, but it never seemed to dampen his spirits. I will miss his sense of humor and his kindness.

Dallas "Bub" Leatherman
I'm sorry for your losses. Man, November was a rough one this year.
Thanks. Sorry for yours as well.
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