Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Don't let this guy pick the restaurant

"I believe the record speaks for itself: Don Rumsfeld is the finest secretary of defense this nation has ever had." Cheney Speech on Rumsfeld

Other Cheney favorites:

President - Martin Van Buren
Soft Drink - RC Cola
TV Show - Mama's Family/Archie Bunker's Place (tie)
Beatle - Ringo
Member of Spinal Tap - Derek Smalls
Game - Munchkin
Stooge - See above.


Anonymous said...

I think you are being unfair to a lot of these choices. RC Cola rules! And, if Cheney was going to pick a lousy president to compare to Rumsfeld, he could have done a lot better (or worse) than Van Buren. James Buchanan, for example, who preceded Lincoln,was a lot worse than Van Buren.

Ipecac said...

I was going more for mediocrity rather than absolute awfulness. Otherwise his favorite soft drink would be Fresca and his favorite game, Monopoly.

Adiv said...

Actually, Munchkin is quite a good game. It may not be the best game, but it is a far cry better than the Worst-Case Scenario Boardgame.

Ipecac said...

Adiv, I will grant you that Munchkin is better than WCS. :-)

Given the huge number of excellent games available(check out boardgamegeek if you never have), Munchkin lies in the middle of the pack for me. Not horrible, but not great. Your mileage may vary, of course, and Munchkin does have a large number of fans.

Anonymous said...

I considered jumping to the defense of Derek Smalls, but thought better of it.

Viv Savage