"Created by a School Teacher? Then it must be good!"
According to the company and numerous testimonials, you take Airborne before you enter a crowded environment -- theaters, restaurants, airplanes -- and it will keep you from getting sick. Wonderful. So any time you take Airborne and you don't get sick, it must have been the Airborne!
Since I neglected to take Airborne, I wonder how I managed not to get sick when I went to see Casino Royale? Dodged a bullet there.
I can't wait for the airplanes designed by busboys, sushi prepared by accountants, and condoms created by construction workers! The future (15th century apparently) looks bright!
So how was Casino Royale?
While we were in Indiana for Christmas, my brother was getting sick. Not surprisingly, as she is into this kind of thing, his wife had him take none other than Airborne! My sister-in-law is a very smart, kind, generous person, but she has a weakness for unproven herbal remedies. Big surprise, my brother was not helped by the Airborne and in fact developed acute bronchitis. Antibiotics were eventually prescribed and my brother is recovering. Reality 1, Airborne 0.
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