Friday, March 30, 2007

Shouldn't this be the "Winston Smith" Manifesto?

Oh, Michelle Malkin, passionate defender of the US from evil Imams filing civil suits. What would we do without you?

I present to you, The John Doe Manifesto. (abridged below for sanity's sake)
Dear Muslim Terrorist Plotter/Planner/Funder/Enabler/Apologist,

You do not know me. But I am on the lookout for you. You are my enemy. And I am yours.

I am John Doe.

I am traveling on your plane. I am riding on your train. I am at your bus stop. I am on your street. I am in your subway car. I am on your lift.
Lift? Who knew Michelle was English?
I am your neighbor. I am your customer. I am your classmate. I am your boss.

I am John Doe.
Here's the Orwellian part.

I will act when homeland security officials ask me to “report suspicious activity.”

I will embrace my local police department’s admonition: “If you see something, say something.”

I am John Doe.

Told you it was scary.

I will protest your Jew-hating, America-bashing “scholars.”

I will petition against your hate-mongering mosque leaders.

I will raise my voice against your subjugation of women and religious minorities.

I will challenge your attempts to indoctrinate my children in our schools.

I will combat your violent propaganda on the Internet.

I am John Doe.

And I thought Michelle was a Republican!
I will resist the imposition of sharia principles and sharia law in my taxi cab, my restaurant, my community pool, the halls of Congress, our national monuments, the radio and television airwaves, and all public spaces.
Yes, those Sharia-imposing Congressmen are really screwing up our pools and monuments.

I'll leave you to read the rest of this wingnuttery for yourself. Suffice it to say, I feel more secure going to bed at night now that JOHN DOE! is on the job.

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