Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Banging head against wall

Warning: Rhetorical question ahead.

Does our President not get the supreme irony behind his remarks below?

During a commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy, the president mentioned declassified intelligence that said bin Laden discussed sending a top lieutenant in 2005 to use Iraq as a base from which to launch attacks in the United States.

"Some question whether the fight in Iraq is part of the war on terror," Bush said before describing the plot.

"There's a reason bin Laden sent one of his most experienced paramilitary leaders to Iraq," Bush said. "He believes that if al Qaeda can drive us out they can establish Iraq as a new terrorist sanctuary."

Holy crap on a cracker! Iraq wasn't a part of the war on terror until we invaded in 2003 at which point home-grown and foreign terrorists poured into Iraq to attack us and destabilize the country. Sadaam was a total scumbag but, as the Administration finally admitted some time ago, he was not working with Al Qaeda.

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