Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Irrelevant dinosaur meets lame duck

Yesterday, the Queen of England was honored at a state dinner at the White House.

Great job, your Majesty! Way to be born into royalty! Good call! My greatest regret in life is that I didn't choose to be born into an obscenely wealthy, heriditary ruling family. What was I thinking?

See, here in America, we don't have an aristocracy, an elite ruling class where leadership is handed down from parent to child. Ours is a far superior system because it means that we select only the best, most capable, leaders. The children of Presidents don't become President themselves, putting control of the U.S. under the rule of one family for years on end . . . Um, never mind.

It's hard to take the Queen very seriously these days. Her image was seriously tarnished the day that male comedians started saying "Hellooo," Hellooo," in a falsetto English accent (see The Daily Show for the most recent incarnation of this gag). But this was merely the lesser of two image-changing events.

The nail in the coffin, the event which rendered the Queen and the institution of the British Royal Family impossible to take seriously and thus forever irrelevant, is depicted below.

Thanks, Frank. Well done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're begining to remind me of the Angry Young Man... http://www.lyricsdepot.com/billy-joel/angry-young-man.html