The Wall Street Journal

Monday, June 11, 2007

Don’t think, just listen and believe

The blog Blue Grass Roots took one for the team last week and visited that abomination to reason, Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis Creation Museum! Read the entertaining travelogue here.

At the start of the museum tour, visitors are advised "Don’t think, just listen and believe." As you might expect, some of the displays at the museum have to be seen to be believed, including an explanation of where Cain (murderous son of Adam and Eve) found his wife.


Anonymous said...

I think I mentioned this to you at one point, but last spring I visited the famous Hayden planetarium in New York. They have an exhibit of the solar system to scale and a historical timeline as to how the universe developed from the Big Bang. (It's a cool exhibit.)

At one point as I was going through the timeline, I heard a young girl (probably 13 or 14), who may have been on a school trip utter something about this being "bullcrap." Now, kids can be unimpressed with things for a lot of reasons, but I interpreted (or feared) that she was referring to the Big Bang "theory."

Anyway, we all know that thinking is dangerous. Also, isn't it somewhat ironic that the guy's name is Ham since the "curse of Ham" is considered to be one of the biblical justifications of black slavery in the New World.

ahtitan said...

Apparently, the actor playing Adam in one of the featured films at the museum has his own porn site. They've pulled the film and are investigating.

Anonymous said...

Just like global warming. Don't think; just listen and believe.

I can't wait to visit this turd-pile of pseudo-science. No, wait. Yes I can.