One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!
I think it was terrible of you to single out Abraham Lincoln like that. I know Lincoln had his problems--like he actually thought about policies before he made decisions--but it just isn't fair to compare Lincoln to a great wartime leader like George Bush! Anyway, you would never catch President Bush going to a play.
An unworthy comparison of pictures... Let's put you on teevo for a few thousand hours and see your face not get caught in a silly pose.
As far as the others, Lincoln and Roosevelt managed between them to completely do away with the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Poor choices for comparison.
The silly pose isn't the point. That part was just a joke.
The comparison is very apt. Frankly, I'm astonished at your continued support of this President. I voted for Bush in 2000. I think he did a fantastic job right after 9/11 and in the invasion of Afghanistan and I actually supported the invasion of Iraq. But, unlike this adminstration, I can admit a mistake.
This administration has been corrupt beyond belief. Bush lied to the American people about the justification for Iraq. Bush has routinely ignored and circumvented the Constitution. He has undermined the authority of Congress. He has been divisive, hostile to science, and overly pandering to religion. He has battered the separation of church and state. His diplomatic efforts have been disastrous. He squandered the biggest outpouring of international support the US has probably ever known.
Really, what do you think he's doing right?
Lincoln and Roosevelt also happened to save the United States. Apparently, Joseph, that doesn't mean much to you.
Actually, that picture of Bush is a great representation of the man's essence. The only better one would have been the one of him picking his nose at the basketball game.
I would certainly not rank Bush amongst the top Presidents, but I would definitely place Reagan in there before Roosevelt.
(Roosevelt saved the US, Marc? How? By deliberately steering us into a war we had no business being in, on two fronts? By obliterating what was left of the 10th Amendment with his New Deal?)
And I don't support this President in many things. I do support the war in Iraq, but this idiocy regarding illegal immigrant amnesty has me in a rage. And his adulteration of the Federal support for the sciences (specifically the council on bioethics and the pig-headed veto of funding for embryonic stem-cell research). So don't call me a shill for Bush; I happen to agree with his tax policies and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But I certainly don't carry his water in all things.
I don't want to beleaguer this discussion much longer, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who is still isolationist about WWII, sixty years after it happened. Huh? Roosevelt steered us into war?
Roosevelt successfully lead us to victory in WWII and pushed America to the forefront of world politics and technology for decades to come. WWII was a tragedy, but we made out like gangbusters.
Bush has lead us to a debacle in a tiny backwards country which played no part in the attack against us. Keep in mind that I was for the Iraq invasion, back when we were lied to about WMDs and the threat Iraq posed. I was happy to get rid of Sadaam as well. But this war has been terribly mismanaged and it has taken our attention away from the justified invasion and rebuilding of Afghanistan which is now slipping away from us. Because of Iraq, we stand to lose all progress made since 9/11.
"WWII was a tragedy, but we made out like gangbusters."
Soooo... as long as the US profits, it's okay. I happen to disagree.
As far as Iraq goes, you are being disingenuous. I know you are smart enough to know that when someone says something that is wrong, it isn't a lie if they believe it to be true; just look at the intelligence reports from CIA, Mossad, and MI5 at the time).
We can agree that the war (or at least its aftermath) was mismanaged, but that is a far cry from saying it was some sort of deliberate plot based on a campaign of known falsehoods.
"Soooo... as long as the US profits, it's okay. I happen to disagree."
Now you're being clever. You know that's not what I meant. If the US hadn't entered WWII, there's a good chance we'd be speaking German right now along with the rest of the world. WWII was a win by the good guys. Take us out of the war and not only aren't we the dominant influence of the 20th century, the Nazis are.
Are you really suggesting that the US should have stayed out of WWII or just being argumentative?
As far as Iraq, it seems pretty clear at this point that the administration ignored facts that went against their position and overly emphasized the few things that supported them. So, no, I don't believe that they believed their own spin.
Me? Argumentative?
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