credit: Jesse Duquette

Monday, July 23, 2007

End of an Era

Anticipated much like the last Star Wars movie, Peter Jackson's Return of the King, or other genre-related finale, the last book in the Harry Potter series has arrived and the story is complete. I won't go into plot or other details here because others have not finished reading. But for the last two pages, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at 4AM, Sunday, July 22. I had read ahead of Rachel and so held off reading the last two pages until Sunday afternoon, giving her a chance to finish ahead of me.

The book was completely different than the other six in terms of structure and tone, more adult than kiddy literature. J.K. Rowling surprised me at every turn, paying off multiple story threads in ways I didn't predict. The book is brilliant.

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

I finished it around 3am Sunday morning. I agree it was an excellent book, a great way to end the series.