credit: Jesse Duquette

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

JJC on a Pogo Stick!

Aaargh. This irritates the crap out of me.
"NBC also announced Monday that it would be getting into some mind games for another series. It has signed a deal with magician Criss Angel and Uri Geller for a competition where they will search for the next great mentalist." CNN Article
Uri Geller. Uri Frickin Geller?!? What a load. Is NBC not familiar with its own historic role in exposing Geller for the fraud he is? Check out the Tonight Show video halfway down the page.

Geller had a similar show in Israel within the past year and was discovered using a magnet to move a compass needle, an ability he claims to do with his mind alone. All of this would be okay were Geller to admit that he's just another magician. But Geller claims and has always claimed to have actual paranormal powers. NBC shouldn't be giving this conman a penny.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps James Randi should get a show in the same time-slot!

Anonymous said...

I just posted on this topic over at my own blog, btw.

Ipecac said...

Good post. You're more optimistic about Geller's "Coming out" than I am, however. :-)

Unknown said...

Optimistic, facetious, take your pick.