credit: Jesse Duquette

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Morons make movie

Thanks to PZ Meyers at Pharyngula for ruining my afternoon.

This is stupid, stupid, stupid. Expelled.

From their news release:
It's a movie that Ferris Bueller would take the day off to go see. What freedom-loving student wouldn't be outraged to discover that his high school science teacher is teaching a theory as indisputable fact, and that university professors unmercifully crush any fellow scientists who dare question the prevailing system of belief? This isn't the latest Hollywood comedy; it's a disturbing new documentary that will shock anyone who thinks all scientists are free to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.
There is just so much wrong with the above paragraph, it defies belief. First and foremost, evolution IS AN INDISPUTABLE FACT, YOU MORONS!

Then the backers of this film are revealed and everything makes sense:
Produced by Premise Media, Expelled, in theaters February 2008, is being marketed by Motive Entertainment, the company that has spearheaded significant Hollywood blockbusters, including The Passion of the Christ, Polar Express and The Chronicles of Narnia. Rocky Mountain Pictures, an established distribution company, which has enjoyed numerous box-office successes, will distribute the film.
Gee, I wonder if Motive Entertainment has an agenda? Or maybe a particular religious affiliation?

Says the star, conservative apologist Ben Stein, who should be smarter than this:
"Big Science in this area of biology has lost its way," says Stein."Scientists are supposed to be allowed to follow the evidence wherever it may lead, no matter what the implications are. Freedom of inquiry has been greatly compromised, and this is not only anti-American, it's anti-science. It's anti-the whole concept of learning."
The level of irony in "no matter what the implications are," is off the scale considering the amount of denial in the Intelligent Design community. And what evidence could he be talking about? Intelligent Design has NONE. They don't even have a working hypothesis.

I imagine Ferris Bueller would actually kick Ben Stein in the nuts over this.

I have to go. I have a headache from all the stupidity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only that but Ben Stein used to work at the FTC. What does that say?