A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Survivor Again

Well, the third person voted out of Survivor: China was . . . Leslie, The Christian Radio Host!

As I predicted, in her farewell speech Leslie said that God had decided it was her time to go. That's funny because, a few days before, she said that God had given her a clue to the hidden immunity idol, meaning he must've wanted her to stick around. Fickle deity, that.

What's even funnier is how things stand now. You see, after Leslie got the clue, she immediately shared it with another contestant on her team. This was an odd choice because finding the hidden immunity idol gives a player a huge advantage. Now that Leslie is gone, this other player has the advantage. Apparently, God doesn't want Leslie to win after all, he wants Todd to win.


So God likes Gays and he likes Mormons. Who'd a thunk it?

God, that's who.

1 comment:

XUP said...

Is that allowed? Gay Mormon? They're pretty strict about drinking alcohol and caffiene and masturbation and big on that whole family thing. So really, God only likes homosexuals.