credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Think Atheists can't be moral?

The idea that atheists can't be moral or are inherently less moral than believers is nonsense.

Atheists aren't a bad lot by Dan Gardner

. . . now everyone knows a few atheists who are not lying, thieving, murderous wretches. They work. They pay taxes. They have kids and don't beat them or sell them for medical experiments. How can this be?

. . . Say you covet your neighbour's cave. You could just smash his skull and move in. But you need your neighbour's help in the mammoth hunt. And besides, if you smash his skull and take his cave, someone else might get the same idea. So in the long run, both your neighbour and you will be better off if everybody agrees it is wrong to smash thy neighbour's skull.

Humans who learned to restrain themselves prospered. Those who didn't vanished. Over time, the internalized rules we call morality became hard-wired instinct.

That instinct remains no matter what we believe about invisible spirits. And its force is not diminished by recognizing its origins in biology: We can no more choose not to feel moral impulses than we can choose not to feel sexual desire.

This is a good, concise article, well worth a read. Finally, some are publicly debunking this hoary old idea that most people accept as true without a second thought. Or even a first thought.

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