credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, November 08, 2007

In the Zone


Work is almost done. A four day weekend beckons as I'm taking off tomorrow and Monday is a federal holiday.

Starting tomorrow afternoon around 3PM, I will be at Euro Quest with my family and a good number of friends. We'll be spending the following two days gaming, gaming, and then gaming some more.

I'm hoping to play some of the new Essen releases, including League of Six, and Wabash Cannonball. And, of course, as many old favorites as I can. Good times.


Anonymous said...

Get back to work, slacker.

Eric Haas said...

He has a government job; he’s paid to slack off.

Ipecac said...

Ah, Eric, so you nobly took leave-without-pay last Friday to spare your employer the cost of paying you to play games on your day off? Very commendable.

XUP said...

We government types are soooo misunderstoon. We are YOUR servants. We serve YOU. Without us you would most likely perish.

Eric Haas said...

FYI, Friday is a regular day off for me.

Eric Haas said...

UP, I think Ipecac needs a little retraining on the “servant” aspect of his job. Last time I was at his house, he didn’t even have any Coke in his fridge. Some servant.