credit: Jesse Duquette

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A rancid ribbon of Ass-phalt.

Behold! In all its crapitude, the worst road in the United States!

The Pennsylvania Turnpike

Yes, the Pennsylvania Turnpike has everything! A full two lanes in each direction! Rest stops created and last maintained in the 1940's! Frequent construction delays that never add new lanes! A near monopoly on East-West travel across Pennsylvania, a huge freakin' state! Used by 156.2 million vehicles a year, all of which occurs on Thanksgiving weekend!

It was a lot of hard work, but it finally paid off for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Congratulations!

(Okay, I'm still a bit bitter over the whole "moving about twenty miles over a two hour period because of traffic volume" fiasco we endured while returning from Indiana on Sunday. I'm sure there are worse roads in America, but geez, come on Pennsylvania!)

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