A reminder of who they are

Friday, December 28, 2007

Chaos and Uncertainty

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is not only incredibly tragic, but the chaos is spiraling out of control. They aren't even clear yet as to how she died.

First reports were that she was shot just before the bomb went off. Then there was speculation and, supposedly, confirmation that she was killed by shrapnel from the bomb. At this moment, CNN has a breaking news banner saying that: "Benazir Bhutto died from hitting her car's sunroof; no bullet or shrapnel found in her, Pakistan’s Interior Ministry says." How could that happen?

This whole thing really, really sucks. What the heck is wrong with us humans?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I expect the Pakistani government to next report that Bhutto died due to a lethal case of sun poisoning that was not related to the lack of security.

Are you just learning about the human race? It hasn't really changed that much is several millenia.