A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


New Line and Peter Jackson come to terms. Jackson will Executive Produce The Hobbit for release in 2010.

All the details here.

About time!!

No word on who will direct, but presumably Jackson. I'm also not jumping up and down about a "sequel", but we'll see. I can't believe it took this long.

Someone go hermetically seal Ian McKellan in a stasis chamber so there's no chance of anything happening to him before they film the movie.


Eric Haas said...

Well, that’s certainly good news.

Unknown said...

Is it just me or does that picture of PJ look more like Merry? He has really lost weight.

I second you on the "sequel". Is it just going to be the second half of the Hobbit, or are they writing a brand new story?

Ipecac said...

My understanding is that the first movie will be The Hobbit and the sequel will be stuff that happens between The Hobbit and Fellowship. Possibly the White Council attack on Dol Guldor. However, that happens during the Hobbit, so I don't know for sure.

PJ lost a TON of weight.

Unknown said...

Heh, after that maybe a prequel on the forging of the rings? Sauron seducing the elven smiths into forging the rings, his betrayal and capture of the 7 and 9, the elven king tortured to death while refusing to reveal the location of the three...

There's alot of rich material there.

Eric Haas said...

The Silmarillion!

Ipecac said...

Everything I've heard about the "sequel" suggests it will take place between the Hobbit and LOTR. There's been no talk of them doing the Silmarillion or other prequel ideas.

Check here for more details: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2007/12/18/28159-what-does-a-sequel-mean/#more-28159.

Eric Haas said...

Yes, I know. I’m just making a suggestion for what they could do after the sequel.

Btw, your link is broken. It should be http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2007/12/18/28159-what-does-a-sequel-mean/#more-28159.htm