A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Hate Baseball. Can I be the coach?


I lost my job because I don't believe in evolution.

Gee, guy, maybe that's because Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution hired you as a frickin' EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGIST!!

News flash. If I took a job as a priest and then declared I didn't believe in God, I would expect to be fired. Certain beliefs go with the job, you know? It's the same here. You can't be expected to do research into biology unless you actually believe the underlying theory, which, by the way, is scientific fact and not subject to your silly disbelief. So, not only are you an unemployed creationist, but you're ignorant as well. (Uh, maybe that's redundant.)


Eric Haas said...

But, even if you hate baseball, at least you believe in it.

Anonymous said...

I love it too that pharmacists that don't believe in abortion can refuse to dispense a lawful prescription (ie, the overnight contraceptive). I agree with Bob, if you don't feel you can accept the tenets of your job, GET ANOTHER JOB.