Friday, January 18, 2008

In which one of my personal heroes recognizes my existence.


Check out the January 18, 2008 edition of SWIFT, item #10 about the Q-Ray device. Please note that The Amazing Randi is pretty open-minded about admitting mistakes. His frustration at the current system which allows these scam artists to continue bilking people for years, a sentiment I share, is certainly understandable. To his credit, he printed my complete e-mail.

See the whole story here.


Eric Haas said...

As soon as I saw his comments on the FTC, I knew you were going to send him an e-mail.

Ipecac said...

I don't have anything to do with the Bureau of Consumer Protection that handles these types of cases, but Randi was not being at all fair. The FTC doesn't have the kind of unilateral power agencies like the FDA have.

ahtitan said...

Good letter!

Anonymous said...

You should have said that since the Republicans have emasculated the agency and refused to grant huge salary increases for its employees, we cannot function to our fullest potential.

This isn't fair, but it always startles me in a way when I see someone that you think is cool (ie, Randi)writing something that is just dumb. It's the fallacy of assuming that since a person knows a lot about one thing, he knows a lot about everything.