Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Quote of the Week

Last week, as Britney Spears was about to check out of the hospital for her latest bout with the screaming crazies, who should barge in but Dr. Phil, intent on filming a show about Spears' descent into madness. Sadly, his "noble" intentions to save her came to naught.

That visit leads to the quote of the week below.
It's true people sometimes need to be placed under involuntary mental health treatment because they can't take care of themselves," veteran psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Sugar said of the 26-year-old Spears. "But there's a difference between being detained involuntarily for psychological treatment and being forced to endure Dr. Phil involuntarily."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't forcing Brittany to endure Dr. Phil constitute cruel and unusual punishment under the Sixth Amendment? Maybe we should send him to Guantanamo. After a few minutes of listening to him, those terrorists would confess to anything, including the Lindberg Baby kidnapping. Maybe Jack Bauer will start using Dr. Phil methods on "24."

This is just such a classic example of early 21st century America; a self-destructive adolescent celebrity pop star with no talent other than her blond hair and her ability to screw up not only her own life but her children's lives meets a self-important Oprah-inspired TV therapist out for publicity. Throw in President Bush somehow and you have a screenplay.