Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Religious Intolerance among Presidential Candidates

Salon just published a good article about the open religious intolerance exhibited by two of the frontrunning candidates for the Republican nomination for President. Huckabee and Romney frequently and hypocritically complain about perceived intolerance against their religion, while they preach intolerance towards others, especially those without religion. Read the article here.

Here's an excellent quote.
Phonies like Huckabee and Romney complain constantly about the supposed religious intolerance of secular liberals. But the truth is that liberals -- including agnostics and atheists -- have long been far more tolerant of religious believers in office than the other way around. They helped elect a Southern Baptist named Jimmy Carter to the presidency in 1976, and today they support a Mormon named Harry Reid who is the Senate majority leader -- which makes him the highest-ranking Mormon officeholder in American history. Nobody in the Democratic Party has displayed the slightest prejudice about Reid's religion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The religious fundies are just like any interest group today. Playing the identity poltics card works, whether it's ethnicity, religion, or whatever. It fires up the base and makes people more likely to contribute money and vote. The idea is to sell people on the idea that only he/we/I can really protect their interests and that anybody opposed is out to destroy us. Huckabee and Romney of course represent a group that is the vast majority and that control most levers of influence in the US but that's neither here nor there. I think there's a lot of cynicism in all of this, whether it's the religious fundies or another group.