(Interestingly enough, and to address the most obvious omission, the Zuni fetish doll from "Trilogy of Terror" is not on my list. This is because although most of my friends talked about it, I never saw Trilogy of Terror when I was a kid. Too bad, too, because I'm sure that freakish little doll would have terrified me.)
So, what did scare me? Below are my top three. These characters made a huge impression on my fragile little mind. I still can't look at them without feeling just a tiny twinge of the old unease. Interesting, they all have the article "the" in front of them. Maybe that's why I find The Rock so scary.
The Bumble

Yes, the Bumble from Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer terrified me. Wild crazy eyes with all those teeth. Yikes. And that roar! When he first appears on the mountain to threaten Rudolph and friends, I had to hide my eyes every time.
The Golem

I think I only saw the movie It! once, some late Saturday night on local TV. The Golem, a stone creature created in the 1500's obeyed whoever was his master, killing at whim. He wasn't fast or expressive. Just terrifying looking and, oh, yeah, even a nuclear bomb couldn't destroy him. I tried very hard to get his image out of my head.
The Doll

The Doll was a segment on the hit or miss Rod Serling narrated show, The Night Gallery. The Doll was sent to the niece of a British Colonel from colonial India to exact revenge on the Colonel for an execution under his command. The image of this creepy doll terrified me so much that I literally suppressed the memory of what it looked like. It wasn't until a few years ago that I was able to find a picture on the Internet to remind me. Brr.
When they're adults, I'll be really curious to learn what my kids will say terrified them. Probably Spongebob and Bush.
When they're adults, I'll be really curious to learn what my kids will say terrified them. Probably Spongebob and Bush.
So, what scared you?
These guys scared the living daylights out of me: Scariest things ever
Hee hee hee! :-)
Depends on how you define "kid." When I was quite young, I remember seeing a sign for a gorilla at a carnival, and had a bad dream about it that I still remember.
My mother had, as many Catholics did, plaster busts of Jesus and Mary hanging on her wall. I once had a nightmare that I got sucked into one of them, sort of a vortex kind of thing. I suppose now that could be interpreted many ways! But throughout my life, EVERY time I would go upstairs I would be compelled to look over my should to make sure they were safely on the wall and not in fact coming for me.
When I was a bit older (high school) I used to stay up and watch Twilight Zone by myself. The one with Cliff Robertson and the ventriloquist's dummy that came to life scared the holy hell out of me.
Then there was the ghost thing and the spider robot from Jonny Quest.
I also used to hide from the Bumble, though for some reason my earliest memory of it is of a gold one. Weird.
I'm sure there are more. I was scared of a lot of stuff.
Yes! Flying Monkeys on my list, too.
Starsky and Hutch kidnapped me from my house while my parents were sleeping. They tied me up and stuck needles in my neck! Evil bastards, they are!
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