The Wall Street Journal

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gee, and our last President who believed in imaginary friends and supernatural happenings worked out SO well!

McCain is VERY superstitious
Don't try to pass a salt shaker to John McCain. He won't take it from your hand because it's bad luck.

The Arizona senator also won't throw a hat on a bed — it means death will soon visit the household — but he regularly carries 31 cents in lucky change in his pocket.

Now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has converted his staff to his famously superstitious ways. Whenever anyone says something optimistic — especially about this fall's general election — a slew of staffers join him in knocking on wood.

"That's an ugly habit I've picked up myself," Brooke Buchanan, the senator's national press secretary, said with a laugh. "We were in Kansas City ... and someone mentioned winning in November, and three of us knocked on wood. We don't want to jinx anything. We're all very superstitious people."
Right. Just the type of people we want running the most POWERFUL NATION ON THE PLANET.


Secular Transhumanist said...

Yeah... because Barry Obama completely eschews the whole religion thing. That's completely obvious from the news over the last couple of months.

Ipecac said...

You know full well that no candidate can get elected today without embracing religion in some form or another. Obama has at least mentioned unbelievers as deserving of equal rights on several occasions. Obama'a religious beliefs are a far cry from McCain's ridiculous and childish superstitions.