The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How could a nation this dumb actually go to the moon?

I'm starting to believe the moon landings were a hoax after all.

16% of US teachers are creationists (and breaking the law to boot).
Despite a court-ordered ban on the teaching of creationism in U.S. schools, about one in eight high-school biology teachers still teach it as valid science, a survey reveals. And, although almost all teachers also taught evolution, those with less training in science -- and especially evolutionary biology -- tend to devote less class time to Darwinian principles. . . .

However, a quarter of the teachers also reported spending at least some time teaching about creationism or intelligent design. Of these, 48 percent -- about 12.5 percent of the total survey -- said they taught it as a "valid, scientific alternative to Darwinian explanations for the origin of species".
Good thing we already went to the moon, because if things continue like this, it doesn't look like future generations will be able to do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, this just proves evolution is a myth. People are actually devolving. Pretty soon, we will have forgotten how to make those newfangled horseless carriages. And, of course, we will have to spurn wheels, since they begin nowhere and end nowhere.