The Wall Street Journal

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Movie Reviews: Iron Man and Speed Racer

Yes, nothing like stale movie reviews to spice up your day!

Iron Man

It didn’t really hit me until a week after I had seen it. Iron Man kills people. Superman, Batman, Spiderman; they don’t kill people. Sure, a villain might die by ignoring the sincere advice of these superheroes and not shutting down the fusion reactor or continuing to fight on top of a giant cathedral, but these deaths are their own fault. They weren’t deliberately killed by the heroes.

Iron Man will have none of this. He shoots people. With all manner of weaponry. In the head.

Anyway, Iron Man was great. A solid origin story that was extremely well acted by Robert Downey, Jr. The suit was brilliantly conceived. The script was funny and smart. I’m looking forward to the next one.

I only have three criticisms. One is expressed by Matthew Baldwin of The Defective Yeti and shall be known as the “Villain has the same powers as the Hero” problem. One of the offshoots of this problem is that these types of villains often have no minions and the final battles tend to be perfunctory. I thought the final battle in Iron Man was a bit perfunctory.

The second criticism is Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane. He’s very good in the role, but with the bald head and beard, he looked a little too much like Richard Moll (a mix of his present appearance and his Night Court look) for my tastes.

Obadiah Stane or Moll?? Who can tell?

Finally, (mild spoilers ahead), there’s a point in the story when Tony Stark returns to Stark Industries and announces that they will no longer be selling weapons. They will instead be selling hockey-puck size “Arc” reactors that need no apparent fuel input and produce incredible amounts of power.

Of course, the corporate bigwigs go nuts about this. Not sell weapons? That’s insane! We could never make any money selling hockey-puck sized reactors which could fuel everything in the world, from home appliances to automobiles to superhero suits of incredible complexity, thus immediately ending everyone’s dependence on foreign oil. Where’s the money in that? Besides, they are impossible to manufacture! Even though Tony Stark built one out of SCRAP PARTS. IN A FRACKING CAVE. IN AFGHANISTAN.

Why are corporate bigwigs in movies so incredibly stupid?

Speed Racer

If you liked the cartoon Speed Racer, go see this movie. If you like trippy, psychedelic visions, go see this movie. I like both, so I liked Speed Racer.

It’s amazing how well they translated all the elements of Speed Racer into a movie that actually works. The family really looked and acted like the Racer family. Even so, about a third of the way in, I was a little worried. There was a lot of exposition to get out of the way and things didn’t quite click. Then Speed and Racer X (who is secretly Speed’s older brother, Rex Racer, supposedly killed in a car crash years before) team up for the Ultra-deadly Casa Cristo Road Rally and the movie hit its stride, complete with an insane race course through deserts, mountains and ice caves, filled with car acrobatics that could only take place on film.

Matthew Fox as Racer X (who is secretly Speed’s older brother, Rex Racer, supposedly killed in a car crash years before) was really good. As for the rest of the family, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon and Christina Ricci were all perfectly cast.

There was one MAJOR plot hole involving the construction of a new car that went completely unexplained and seems to suggest a missing scene. But no one in my group noticed it until I pointed it out later.


Me. said...

I loved this movie and have seen it more than once. Although I thought there was a plot hole too -speaking to my 14yr old son quickly revealed the error to be mine. The movie explained it perfectly; I just failed to make the mental note.

It really is one hell of a fantastic film, frankly. I certainly plan to own it on DVD.

Anyhow -
I'm curious: what was it that you noted?

Ipecac said...


Glad you commented. Maybe there was an explanation we missed.


After Speed's team wins the road rally, the Mach 5 is in fine condition. But when Speed receives the invitation to the final race, the Mach 5 is nowhere to be seen and he says he has no car. So they build the Mach 6. What happened to the Mach 5?

Anonymous said...

Ah- that !

No problem:
The Grand Prix is a T-180 Race.

Note that with the first race, at Thunderhead - Speed is driving the Mach 6. (Rex is in the Mach 4, also a T-180 car).

Same at Fuji... during that great Royalton dialogue, when the car is destroyed due to the dastardly spearhook! Yup.
Silver escape bubble .. and the next thing you know, we see Speed sitting in the locker room, looking banged up as Ben Burns approaches.
"Tough luck, kid.."

Now - Casa Christo 5000 -- a RALLY race. No road, No rules, and No T-180's.
The Mach 5 gets an overhaul so it can deal with the treachery.
Both Racer X and Taejo drive their "street cars" as well. Same for the opponents(think of Snake Oiler's car).

Speed has an emo outburst after Taejo's betrayal: Awesome scene ---grinding the Mach 5 at the Thunderhead track.
Again - NO Mach 6 available. That car was destroyed.

So ... when he finds out that he's going to the Grand Prix, he needs a T-180 (called so because the wheels can rotate within the wheel well of the car). ALL the cars in that race are T-180s.

Thus - the comment.
The rebuilding scene.
And thus, that ABSOLUTELY DIVINE run at the very end of the movie.

You know -- I was grumpy when I first saw pictures of the Mach6. I didn't expect to like it.
Hey -- I'm an Old Skool Racer fan... lol.

But as I sit here and type this reply - I've got a model of one right up on my shelf, next to my Mach5.
I can see why, from a story element angle, it was good to have a new car - the Mach 5 was old hat. They got to show us something new with the 6. I loved it!

The Wachowski's did a beautiful job of creating this new "carachter" ... I have grown very fond of it as well.

Long Live Speed.

So... *grins* -- can you share that explanation/correction in your blog?

It just that...well.. this lil' movie needs help... you know how unfair most critics have been to it.
Your positive take on things was refreshing and far more on point.

Thanks again!
Keep up the good deeds and the good work !


Anonymous said...

oh man..
My comment was spoilerriffic...


Remove if necessary.

All for the greater good. =)


Ipecac said...


Thanks for the explanation! Now that you say that, I was wondering why he was racing the Mach 5 during the first race. It all makes perfect sense now.

No need to remove your comment. If anyone's reading the comments, it's pretty clear that spoilers are coming!