A reminder of who they are

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Mislead public about Iraq invasion
Abu Ghraib
Tens of thousands of American casualties
Suspension of Habeas Corpus
Illegal wiretapping
Overstretched military
Violation of Geneva Convention
Spying on American citizens
Signing statements
Strangling stem-cell research
6% unemployment
Loss of international prestige
Devalued dollar
Denial of global warming
Politicalization of the Justice Dept.
$400+ billion deficit
Overbroad terrorist watch list
$4 a gallon of gas
Gutting corporate regulation
Weakening the separation of church and state
Worsening relations with Russia
Shooting an old guy in the face
Anti-science agenda
Paying billions to US security contractors
Culture of fear
Katrina response and follow-up
Drowning of New Orleans aka “Heck of a job, Brownie!”

Doesn’t any political party with a record like this deserve to be booted out of office?

If this isn’t sufficient, WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE TO DO to lose your vote?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
