credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I only hit you because I love you, baby!

This news totally shocked me. Nearly a quarter of a million kids are spanked in American schools each year. Here we are in the 21st century and some parents still allow their children to be physically punished by a school administrator. What does spanking teach children? I don’t beat my kids and you can bet that if someone in my kid’s schools took it upon themselves to administer capital punishment, I wouldn’t rest until they were fired.

Of course there's a racial component.
The punishment is disproportionately applied to black students, according to the organizations. During the 2006-07 school year, for instance, black students made up 17.1 percent of the nationwide student population but 35.6 percent of those paddled at schools.
Predictably, Dumbass James Dobson of Focus on the Family is in favor of spanking.
"It can be useful for elementary students, especially with amateur clowns (as opposed to hard-core troublemakers). For this reason, I am opposed to abolishing spanking in elementary schools because we have systematically eliminated the tools with which teachers have traditionally backed up their word. We're now down to a precious few. Let's not go any further in that direction."
Yes, because violence is a family value. Don't forget, if you’re not beating your child or letting authority figures beat your child, you’re hurting your child. And that makes you a bad parent.

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