Monday, October 20, 2008

Americans, see if you can pay attention until the end of this, er, what was I saying?

Holy crap do we Americans have short attention spans or what?

We've just had months of unprecedented gas prices. Global warming from burning energy is a serious threat that will require massive changes in the way we live. Our dependence on foreign oil has become a terrible national security liability. Everything is telling us that we need to give up this energy addiction as soon as possible. If done right, not only will we pollute less and make a serious contribution to cleaning up the planet, but we'll stop shipping billions of dollars overseas and at the same time create new industries and boost our economy.

And yet, as soon as gas prices fall, within a week, we have the media already saying "Momentum slows for Alternative Energy."

We're all fired up to make some change and improve things, but when we close our eyes, the threat vanishes. It's like we're two years old playing peekaboo. The big monster is standing right in front of us but as soon as we close our eyes, it's gone. Open the eyes and we're scared. Close the eyes and all is right with the world, exactly as it is.

Sheesh, people. If the rest of the world is this short-sighted, we are royally boned.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

But we've been conditioned over the years by the government and media to be docile and not ask questions. It'll take a while to get out of that mindset.