For the last eight years, even as the Republican Administration and Republican Congress were running up the largest debt in world history, the only Republican prescription for economic problems was tax cuts. Tax cuts are the only tool in their belt and we've seen how well our economy has done since.
So President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have put together a stimulus package to try and jump-start the economy. It passed the House but not a single Republican voted for it. Okay, so what solution are they proposing as an alternative? Yes, tax cuts. Just tax cuts.
Holy crap these guys are one-note idiots. A broken record envies *these* guys for their consistency. Hopefully, this is just one more step in their slide to total irrelevancy.
A Facebook friend just put out a note about this - it could use some editing but did a very good job of spotlighting the "socialism" bs that so many neocons are STILL trying to use as a wedge issue.
He says, in part:
"Socialism is not Communism. They are very different things. Socialism is capitalism with a few changes. Socialism the government (in general) reserves the right to regulate, invest, in the major industries vital to stability of the economy and general welfare of the people of the nation. Such as the Banking, Lending and Trade, Credit, Energy (Oil, Coal, etc.),Stock exchange, Pharmaceutical, Medical Technology, Heath Insurance, Agriculture Industries. As well a socialisitic command economy is used to fund Scientific Research and Projects (NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab), in Environmental preservation and protection (Yosemite, Yellow Stone), national infrastructure, county hospitals, etc. The United States is not far from being a socialist nation. The government just has to be willing to close the loop holes in capitalism that allows for risky Cooperate policies and income schemes that leads to instability in the national economy. It can be very confusing because communism and socialist are often used interchangeably, when in fact only China, Soviet Union, Cuba are good examples Communist states, many countries of western Europe and Scandinavian are good example of socialism. Although we prefer to call them welfare states that way we can demonize the word socialism by equating it to communism."
I really like this explanation and am hopeful that enough Americans are tuning in to the fact that "government CAN offer solutions that no one else can."
It makes me boil when people actually suggest that private enterprise can be applied to everything from libraries to prisons to roads.
I'd rant some more but the clock says I need to get out the door...
Have a good day...
I just double-checked his note, and the piece quoted above was actually from WikiAnswers -- he added his own comments afterward.
It's still a good summary.
Thanks. That's great. Over the past 20 years Republicans have gotten really good at driving good (accurate) words underground so that to even mention that you identify with them in public is political suicide.
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