Sunday, February 08, 2009

Note to Jews: Stop being so emotional about your fake history

Great news! The Holocaust-denying Bishop says he's going to personally look at the evidence to see if the Holocaust really occurred!

"Since I see that there are many honest and intelligent people who think differently, I must look again at the historical evidence," the British bishop was quoted as saying.

"It is about historical evidence, not about emotions," he added, according to the report. "And if I find this evidence, I will correct myself. But that will take time."


"I was convinced that my comments were right on the basis of my research in the '80s," Der Spiegel quoted Williamson as saying. "I must now examine everything again and look at the evidence."

That's sure swell of him. Of course, since millions of photographs, Nazi documents, and the testimony of thousands of eyewitnesses, including the testimony of Germans involved in the death camps, hasn't swayed him, he'll be tough but fair. After all, he wouldn't want to pass any kind of judgment on the Nazis, would he?

So be of good cheer, Jews. A real-life Catholic Bishop is looking into whether or not your relatives really were slaughtered like animals. But please be fair to him if he decides you're just lying to get attention, okay?

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