Thursday, February 05, 2009

Operation: Zero Cred

To that point, there's no debating the Republican record on the economy. Their allegiance to Reaganomics and free market deregulation have led us to the brink of, well, dogs and cats living together and mass hysteria.

Nevertheless, there they are on cable news and the Sunday shows acting as if they know something. At the same time, they've proved themselves to be dishonest, bad-fath actors in this thing. They've spread lies about fake CBO reports, while also ignoring an actual CBO report on the Senate bill indicating that it would, in fact, succeed in stimulating economic growth. They've spread lies about nonexistent ACORN line items in the bill -- line items that only exist inside of Michelle Malkin's twisted dome. I mean, they met with Joe the Plumber on the Hill this week to discuss the economy. Joe the Plumber. About the economy. Because they're very serious people who ought to be taken very seriously.

And so they should be summarily shut out of this process -- whether or not the president wants them out.

The Republicans have zero cred. Link

Damn straight. Why are the Democrats even listening to these goobers? Bipartisanship is one thing but giving a voice to these buffoons at a very critical time in U.S. history is just asking for more trouble. Let the adults (and I don't count Harry Reid among them) handle the economy and the children can go play with their good buddy Joe the Plumber all they want.


Anonymous said...

Yep your right. Hey Ive got a great idea. Lets let Barney Frank and Chris Dodd run things they are great.

Ipecac said...

Given the way the Republicans have run the economy over the last eight years, I'm sure high school students could do a better job than they did.

Joseph said...

I think you'll find that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed had something to do with the economy for the last two years. With their oversight and budgetary authority and all.

And let us not forget Barney Frank and his committee forcing banks to give mortgages to people who, well... couldn't afford them, just because they were "poor".

You know.... just when the present crisis was coming upon us.

You were hooping and hollering when the Democrats took control of congress two years ago. Don't pretend they didn't have anything to do with the economy since then. Budgetary control and regulatory oversight.

Ipecac said...

Oh, please. This crisis wasn't created in the last two years. This crisis has been building for much longer. Among other mismanagement, the $10 billion a month we've spent in Iraq is a big contributor. So was the massive deregulation we've undergone for the last twenty-five years. An astute administration might have been able to mitigate the damage. The Republicans just exacerbated it.