Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Silver Lining

This is for those Star Wars fans who hate the Ewoks. Wait. Let me start over.

This is for all Star Wars fans. Please take this to heart.

The millions of tons of debris from the destroyed Death Star would start spirialing into the moon of Endor’s atmosphere and rain down on the planet in short order. Many large pieces would strike the surface with the force of nuclear bombs. This, combined with lesser impacts which might still level forests or kick vast amounts of dust into the atmosphere, would destroy much of the eco-system of the moon and almost certainly produce an environmental effect similar to that which killed off Earth’s dinosaurs.

In short, within a few years of “Return of the Jedi”, all the Ewoks were dead.


ahtitan said...

*sniff* You've made happy!

Anonymous said...

What can you for Jar Jar in the same vein?

Ipecac said...

Sadly, Jar Jar is eternal.

And I think that's him standing on top of the building in the "celebration shot" of Naboo in the special edition of Return of the Jedi.