Wednesday, March 04, 2009

24 has left the building

Long ago I labeled the once classic and awesome show 24 as having "jumped the shark". (See my "TV shows I'm watching" box on the right.)

If they hadn't jumped before, last night's ridiculous, ludicrous, contrived "assault by a dozen guys" on the White House definitely confirmed that they've jumped the shark now.

Holy crap was that silly.


Daniel Korn said...

Completely impossible and contrived, but at the same time, very well paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm watching them each week because of watercooler conversations, but this show is far better watched in multi-hour chunks.

ahtitan said...

Due to my work schedule changing, and us only having one VCR, I am missing this season in favor of Heroes. I watched the first few episodes, and was enjoying it. But what I've seen of it recently, when I catch some, seems like they're forcing it. Still better than last season, though.