Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Closed minds, oblivious to the truth

I had thought about responding to this deeply saddening article about Creationists visiting the Smithsonian, but PZ Myers of Pharyngula, being a real live biologist, does a much better job than I could.
You know, it is possible to be a Christian and still have a rational respect for the evidence. Take, for example, the Reverend Adam Sedgwick, an opponent of evolution in the 19th century, but also someone who worked out details of the geological column and determined that the idea that there was a single, defining world-wide flood was untenable. Or Charles Lyell, who struggled with the idea of evolution because it conflicted with his religious beliefs, but who was a major force in bringing about the understanding of geology as a product of continually acting forces. Or the Reverend William Buckland, who believed in a global flood, but regarded it as insufficient to account for the wealth of geological complexity — he would not have looked at the timeline and tried to compress it into the product of a single biblical event.
The whole article and PZ's post are worth a read.

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