Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dick Cheney: Still a Dick

The Obama administration has endangered Americans and opened the country to further attack by reversing Bush administration anti-terrorism policies such as harsh interrogations of suspects, former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday.

Cheney told CNN's "State of the Union" that the Bush administration's "alternative" interrogation techniques were "absolutely essential" to preventing further assaults like the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.
Because nothing deters people from hijacking planes and flying them into buildings like the threat of waterboarding.


ahtitan said...

He also said that Obama's administration is using a crisis as an opportunity to change policy.

A double-take here just isn't strong enough.

Ipecac said...

The whole thing just shows a lack of class. One of the marks of respect that the outgoing President/VP show to the new President is to lay low for awhile. Typically they don't try to stir up partisan squabbling while the new Adminstration is setting its policies in place. They know more than anyone how important it is for the new administration to be given a chance to get things going. This is a real dickish move.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought Cheney was of the "It's unpatriotic to question the president" school. I'm confused. Perhaps he's just jealous that he isn't president any more...err, vice-president.

Eric Haas said...

It’s only unpatriotic to question the president when the president is a Republican. When the president is a traitorous Democrat, well then, it’s your patriotic duty to question his every move.