Thursday, March 05, 2009

Free entertainment

Working on Pennsylvania Ave. between Congress and the White House can be pretty interesting. For instance, many movies and TV shows are filmed in the area and I occasionally get to watch them film. This morning, the corner of 7th and Indiana was dead still, with no cars moving and dozens of people standing and watching, a sure sign of a movie set. I know that Angelina Jolie’s “Salt” is filming in DC so I figured that’s what it was.

When they started filming, the cars and some pedestrians started moving and then a blonde woman rushed across 7th Street. I couldn’t tell for sure that it was Angelina Jolie; it could have been a stand-in. But a few seconds later the woman was followed by a guy I was pretty sure was Leiv Schreiber. If the guy was Schreiber, then it’s likely that the blonde woman was Jolie. I looked it up when I got into the office and sure enough, Leiv Schreiber stars with Jolie in Salt.

So, I saw Angelina Jolie this morning.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

So did I. Right before she left for the movie set. Heh heh.