Sunday, March 01, 2009

Snow Day

I am like a kid when it comes to snow, at least as far as it promises to get me out of work. I grew up in Northern Indiana where they have real winters. Here in the DC area we have a real winter a couple of times a decade. I find that rather depressing.

On the other hand, the DC area tends to shut down whenever we get a couple of inches of snow, a fact that caused Chicagoan President Obama to mock us (as well he should). Unfortunately, over the last several years the Government has come up with a new strategy. They decide not to close on most snow days, but to declare Unscheduled Leave. This means you don't have to come in to work, but you have to use your annual leave. It's a way for the government to eat its cake and have it too and it sucks big time.

We're expected to get anywhere from between 4-10" of snow tonight. I am, of course, giddy with anticipation despite usually being disappointed in the actual yield and having to go to work the next morning in slushly, crappy conditions. But hope is a human emotion and so hope I will.

Come on snow!

1 comment:

Al Penwasser said...

I'm with you. I'm amazed at the paralysis which ensues over an inch of snow (and the bumper car antics by people who have no clue how to drive in it). Of course, the kids are salivating over the prospect of having a day off from school.
But...unpaid leave? Sheesh.