Friday, March 06, 2009

Wacky Weather

I think pretty much everywhere I’ve ever lived they tell the same joke. “Don’t like the weather? Wait a minute.” Everyone imagines their weather is more unpredictable and erratic than it is.

I’ve found that in the Middle-Atlantic states on the East Coast of the U.S., however, that tends to be more true than other places I’ve lived. I guess being near the ocean really makes the weather more chaotic. On Monday, we had temperatures in the teens and the biggest snowfall of the year. This coming Sunday, a mere six days later, the temperature is supposed to be in the mid-seventies.

Now that’s some serious weather shifting.


Daniel Korn said...

I think we're actually in the minor leagues compared to the Denver area. My brother is always telling me about their day-to-day weather shifts. To the tune of 3 feet of snow one day, and 70+ 2 days later. Frequently. It's very odd...

ahtitan said...

Here in Marquette it's pretty crazy. One day, 40. Day or two later, 0 and blizzard. Happened last week.