The Wall Street Journal

Monday, August 03, 2009

And the Birthers have gone off the rails . . . now.

Yes, they won't accept actual evidence that President Obama was born in Hawaii, but show them a ludicrous, obviously FAKE birth certificate from Kenya and they're all over that.

Looks like we're due for a virtual "I'm Spartacus!" of birth certificates.

Show's over folks. Nothing more to see here.


ahtitan said...

How nice that Kenyan birth certificates are conveniently in English.

Paul Seegers said...

Weapons grade Crazy.

Eric Haas said...

Kenya was a British colony, so I wouldn’t be surprised if its government business were conducted in English. Its official languages are Swahili and English.

The certificate claims to be from the Republic of Kenya, and is dated February 17, 1964, but Kenya didn’t become a republic until December 12, 1964.