The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I'm a Birther Now!

I’m coming around.

The so-called “Birthers” don’t believe the “short form” birth certificate, they question the contemporary newspaper announcement of the birth, and don’t believe the attestation of numerous Hawaiian officials who have confirmed the record. I understand that they’re just being skeptical of the circumstances of President Obama’s birth, and I’m very supportive of skepticism, so I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

For you see, I too, have felt the doubt. I mean, nothing about it makes sense. A “messianic” figure with travelling parents, no long-form birth certificate, the involvement of foreign powers, extremely dubious “contemporary” accounts, and fanatical “liberal” followers who would do anything for their cultish leader. It doesn’t make sense that millions of people believe he was born where they say, or that he was born at all for that matter! Yes, given the doubts raised about the President, I don’t see how anyone could possibly believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Or even that he ever existed. So out of sympathy with the Birthers, I won’t believe it until I see Jesus’ birth certificate. Of course, the original probably reeks of myrrh so, I’d prefer just an ancient photocopy. Once that’s provided, I will consider that maybe Jesus was actually born. His Godhood I’ll leave for another day.

(I think it’s safe to say that the great majority of “Birthers” are Christians. They believe in Jesus without any formal documentation and no contemporary accounts and that doesn’t seem to bother them. It seems to me that there’s a lot more evidence of President Obama’s American citizenship. Oddly enough, they don’t see this comparison to their absurd, ridiculous and asinine stance on the President’s birth. Go figure.)


Joseph said...

One wonders why you (and the media) weren't giving so much negative attention to the "Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened!" lunatics. They're just as insane, and just as representative of the left as the birthers are of the right. Which is to say, not at all.

Maybe it's the lack of a convenient one-word label?

Ipecac said...

I think that if you'll search you'll find posts from me on the 9/11 conspiracy idiots. They deserve nothing but ridicule and contempt.

Despite your suggestion that there's an ideological bent to the coverage, however, there is a MAJOR difference between the two groups of idiots that justifies the greater coverage of the Birthers. Polls show that a MAJORITY of Republicans and Southerners believe that the President either wasn't born in the United States or are unsure. This insanity is resulting in serious political disruption, including increasingly violent confrontations, souring national debate on important issues. It's a huge distraction we don't need.

The 9/11 conspiracy nutjobs have never been more than a fringe group and haven't had anywhere near the impact of the Birthers. Their theories are insane, ridiculous, absurd, and stupid, but they're not affecting the national agenda. Thus, they aren't gathering the same amount of attention.

If you'd like to come up with a pithy one-word label for the 9/11 idiots, I'll be happy to use it and do my part to spread it around the INTERTUBES.

Ipecac said...

Plus, aren't the 9/11 conspiracy nuts more of the Libertarian bent rather than left-wing?