The Wall Street Journal

Monday, August 17, 2009

This week in WTF

About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with an AR-15 assault rifle, milled among protesters outside an event where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday in Phoenix. Article
Yes, you have the right to carry arms and in your state maybe the right to walk around in public with an assault rifle. But what's the point in carrying it around the frakking President of the United States if not in an attempt to intimidate? They should arrest these wingnuts until they leave their guns at home. Your right to carry guns ends when there's the possibility you might shoot the President.

Can you imagine they would have let people carry guns around President Bush?


lil1inblue said...

When Bush was in office, he visited our town as one of his campaign stops. They had traffic stopped in a 20 mile radius of the airport when his plane was taking off. I couldn't drive my car within twenty miles of Bush's airplane, but people can tote guns within a mile of Obama? Something doesn't add up here.

Ipecac said...

As the Daily Show pointed out yesterday, a few years ago a couple were arrested at a Bush speaking event for wearing ANTI-BUSH T-SHIRTS!

It's a damn good thing in this country that we're allowed to carry around assault rifles but not t-shirts critical of the President. That makes me feel all safe.

(Please note that I did not make an easy joke about the t-shirt wearing couple confusing the right to bear arms with the right to bare arms.)