The Wall Street Journal

Monday, September 07, 2009

An Overrated Decade

I really enjoyed this essay on the 60's and the reverence with which we're all supposed to hold that decade and its awesome counterculture.
Never in the history of this country has there been a generation that's cast a longer shadow without really having done anything to earn it than the children of the 60s -- specifically the so-called Woodstock Generation. For the most part, they're thoroughly undeserving of the immortality they've pretentiously bequeathed to themselves. But for God's sake, don't ever say this to the True Believers in the Boomer-Woodstock nostalgia aesthetic; they'll immediately begin lecturing you on the seemingly self-perpetuating legacy of the 60s protest movement, the brilliance of Abbie Hoffman, and the philosophical importance of shitting outdoors in the mud while Canned Heat plays Going Up the Country somewhere at the other end of the farm.
Check out the whole essay. It's right on. Groovy, even.


Marc said...

The one good thing about the 60s is that it allowed guys to have more sex outside of marriage. It benefitted those of us who were single in the 70s and 80s.

Dennis said...

Hey, there are just so many of us that we can't help ourselves. So you'll be hearing about Woodstock and the Beatles at least until you get those Death Panels going.

Ipecac said...

Aren't you dead?

Don't worry, once the Anti- I mean, the President - gets those death panels going, you will be, old man.